Service to the SBIA Board: 2021 – Present
Ronald A. Zisman, a U.S./Canadian/Peruvian citizen, was admitted to practice in the State Bar of California in 1980 as well as the Federal Bar. He is Licensed as a Practitioner of Foreign Law in B.C. Canada. He is a Mentor with the American Immigration Lawyers Association. He is Of Counsel to the law firm, Cross Border Visas. He immigrated to Canada in 1989.
He has lectured in the area of U.S. immigration law and has conducted seminars and courses for: CLE – American Immigration Lawyers Association; Simon Fraser University; Chartered Accountants of British Columbia; British Columbia Institute for Studies in International Trade; Pacific Business & Law Institute and other business and educational organizations. He has been interviewed by National Public Radio and CBC and published articles on CNET and LegalElite.com.
Ron also obtained a BFA from Emily Carr University of Art +Design in 1992. He was a full time artist from 1989 to 1995 and from 2019 onwards has been working as an artist full time out of his Strathcona space. He practices under his Nome de plume, Gabriel Zanas and his work and more information can be found at www.gabrielzanas.com