Annual General Meeting 2020
Dear Strathcona BIA members,
The 2020 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will go virtual this year on Thursday, September 24th, from 10:00 am – 11:30 am. The virtual meeting lobby will open at 9:45 am. AGM programming will start at 10:00 am.
To help us follow physical distancing measures and provincial health guidelines, members are being asked to participate in this year’s AGM virtually by phone or online using a computer/tablet. The virtual AGM will be hosted on the online platform, GoToWebinar. Once we’ve received your completed membership application form, you’ll receive an email with details about how to use the meeting platform, including how to test and troubleshoot any technical issues on your computer, tablet, or phone prior to the AGM. We strongly suggest members test our online platform prior to the AGM to ensure they can participate fully during the meeting.
If you plan on attending the AGM, please complete and submit your membership application form to the SBIA by Thursday, September 17th at 10 am as this determines your eligibility to vote. You can also submit a hard copy application through mail, fax, or in-person. Hard copies of the application form can be downloaded here.
In your AGM Package you will find:
- AGM Official Notice and how to participate
- Letter from the Board
- Proposed Budget for the 2021/2022 fiscal year
- Special member resolutions
- Membership Application Form
To download a copy of the materials above please click here. Since we’re not able to meet in person this year, all members are also receiving a mailout version of their AGM package, so look out for hard copy materials in your mailbox.
In addition to the materials above, the following are available for download:
- Audited Financials for the 2019/2020 fiscal year
- 2019 AGM Minutes
- Board of Director Biographies
- SBIA Member Guide
If you didn’t receive hard copies of any of the documents listed above, please contact the SBIA office at info@strathconabia.com or call 604-258-2727. We hope to see you (virtually) on Thursday, September 24th!
In kindness, calmness, and safety,
Your SBIA Board of Directors and SBIA Staff