Let us share about a special pocket of Strathcona.
Nestled east of Raymur Ave and south of East Hastings Street you’ll find a pocket of Strathcona with a special sense of community. Known by some as the Kiwassa district of Strathcona, the railroad tracks act as a borderline to a unique mix of industrial businesses, residential homes (including many heritage homes), artist spaces, and Admiral Seymour Elementary School.
There’s a rich history of resiliency and creativity here. The iconic Militant Mothers Raymur Overpass connects the area for pedestrians to the west of Strathcona. It symbolizes the strength and integrity that has always been a part of this neighbourhood’s character. Many of the commercial buildings in the area have an illustrious past of being home to hardworking family-owned and operated businesses. A legacy of past and current artist spaces is synonymous with the area. Many artists and creatives in the neighbourhood have long participated in the Eastside Culture Crawl, an initiative of the Eastside Arts Society who help build capacity for artists and promote space for arts and culture as a cornerstone of community development.