Sanitation Services – Help us keep Strathcona Beautiful!
Your Need to Know Resources in 2019
Help keep Strathcona beautiful by taking advantage of the resources offered by the Strathcona BIA and City of Vancouver.
VanConnect: Report public property graffiti, debris, and maintenance issues by downloading the VanConnect app at: vancouver.ca/vanconnect
Needle Pick Up: Handled through the Portland Hotel Society 604-657-6561 or the SBIA’s safety team 604-789-4143
Street Cleaning: Weekday litter, debris and needle removal provided by Coast Mental Health, United We Can, and Mission Possible Maintenance. To report litter and debris call the SBIA office 604-258-2727
Private Property Debris Pick-up: To schedule removal of larger debris on private property fill out this form: bit.ly/2KRNDBE
Graffiti Removal: For free graffiti removal on private property or to report graffiti call: 1-877-684-4747 or e-mail vancouver@goodbyegraffiti.com
Recycle In Strathcona: Community recycling program for one-off and ongoing collection service. Call Recycling Alternative 604-874-7283 or email: strathcona@recyclingalternative.com
How you can help:
Report debris, garbage and graffiti right away to deter future incidents
Educate staff on available sanitation resources
Secure dumpsters and bins
Promote proper recycling and food waste disposal practices
Encourage neighbours and fellow members to take advantage of SBIA resources
Contact the SBIA when you notice changes in typical activity
Take steps to deter future activity at your business