Call for Artists – Hastings Urban Tree Nursery
Our concrete planters need a refresh!
About the Hastings Urban Tree Nursery
Four years ago we helped launch the Hastings Urban Tree Nursery (HUTN), a joint project with Hastings Crossing BIA to bring some greenery and beauty to East Hastings. We installed a series of concrete planters housing young trees, that have grown under the care of local businesses and organizations. Additional HUTN stewardship is provided by local social enterprise, Mission Possible Maintenance. Local artists were commissioned to paint unique murals on the planters.
What we are looking for
We’ve loved our first round of HUTN murals from 2014, but 10 of our planters are in need of a refresh. We’re inviting proposals from artists to re-paint our planters with marvelous new murals.
We would love to see works that engage with local community, heritage, culture, and natural elements. The works should enliven and enrich the Hastings corridor, while reflecting the values of the local community and the Strathcona BIA.
Examples of previous selected works:
The Details
Issue date: August 7th, 2018
Submission deadline: August 27th, 2018 by 5pm
Eligibility Requirements
This call is open to artists that reside in the Vancouver area. Indigenous artists and artists with ties to Strathcona are encouraged to apply. Artists who have previously completed works for this project are welcome to apply again. Artists must be able to complete the work before October 2018.
Planters and Associated Budgets
The area to be painted on each planter is approximately 113″ by 36″ (w X h)
Five artists will be chosen and each artist will be commissioned to paint the planters on one city block. Each selected artist will receive a base stipend of $400, plus an additional $200 for each planter painted. The blocks and program participants are as follows:
- 300 E Hastings Block, Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users – 2 planters ($800 allocated)
- 400 E Hastings Block, Vancouver Native Health Society – 1 planter ($600 allocated)
- 500 E Hastings Block, Downtown Eastside Neighbourhood House – 2 planters ($800 allocated)
- 600 E Hastings Block, Mission Possible – 2 Planters ($800 allocated)
- 700 E Hastings Block, Mikado Martial Arts, Pure Design Inc, Carscadden Stokes McDonald Architects – 3 planters ( $1000 allocated)
The SBIA will provide paint materials up to a maximum of $150 per planter. After painting, planters will be coated with a clear product to protect against graffiti damage.
The SBIA will work with the City of Vancouver to obtain any necessary permissions for selected mural proposals.
A selection committee will liaise with participating businesses and organizations to make the final selections by the beginning of September.
Submission Guidelines
- Submit one proposed design for a planter painting (width to height ratio is approximately 3:1).
- Submit an Artist Statement that introduces your work and the proposal submitted
- Submit up to 4 numbered portfolio images of your work
- Submit your resume
- Include your contact information, including e-mail and phone number
Submit your proposal online using our Google submission form: Submit a proposal here!
You can also submit a proposal by mail or in person at the SBIA office (address below). Clearly distinguish the proposed planter design from portfolio images submitted. Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope if you wish to have your images returned.
Mail to:
1220 East Hastings St
Vancouver BC
V6A 1S6
We look forward to seeing your submissions!